Thursday, December 6, 2007

Neil Gaiman's Free Short Fiction Audio Download Offer

I'm still trying to make up my mind how I feel about audiobooks. I enjoy listening to them, and they certainly help to make my Washington DC commute fly by, much more pleasurably. I learn and am entertained by them. But, I really don't count a book as read until my eyes have become intimately acquainted with its pages, its firmly stamped words, somehow eliciting from me the feeling of a more concrete -- hence more valuable connection -- to the writer who bore its words.

Maybe I'm just being old-fashioned (although I do admit a fondness for reading books on my Apple iPhone).

However, despite my ambivalence as to the validity of audiobook content in my own world, I wanted to share this link to free audio content I stumbled upon, posted on author Neil Gaiman's blog today: A Study in Emerald.

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